About Us
We are a very friendly 50 member strong Metal Detecting club that meet once a month in Mattishall, Norfolk. We all share a common interest in our heritage and history and through the responsible use of metal detectors, creating links into the past through the objects that we find.
Members display their finds at each monthly meeting for us all to look at, handle and discuss. All artefacts that qualify, by being more than 300 years old, are recorded with the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS). We have a PAS archaeologist at each of our meetings to appraise and talk about the key artefacts we have discovered. The club organise trips to historic venues such as museums and in the peak season we hold regular metal detecting 'digs' at local venues, all of which raise money for charity.

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Contact Us
The club welcomes any respectful questions you may have about our hobby or activities.
If you would like to enquire about membership you can use the form opposite to do so. There is a modest turnover of members, so if we do not have spaces available immediately then we keep a structured waiting list to which your name can be added.
Equally, if you own searchable land and you would like us to search to see what interesting artefacts can be rescued, then please also use the form.
We also offer a free recovery service, so if you have lost a treasured metallic possession in a location where a metal detector might help find it, then use the contact form too and we will do our very best to help.
Finally, If you are a programme organiser for another social club, then to an audience of 15 or more a DDMDC member may be happy to give you a talk on metal detecting. Please use the form to make a request and we will see what we can do.